To make an easy living. When we left off our hero was tied to the railroad tracks and a train was bearing down on him at full speed. Actually he was sitting with 2100 chips or so and had gone pretty card dead after the first hour. It was probably for the best as a few more good hands would have broken me I fear.
A little after the first break I call a min raise in the big blind with 4-7 of spades. Flop gave me an inside straight draw and a back door flush and the beotch errrr fine player who had rivered me earlier made a smallish bet which was called by one player and myself. Turn filled my straight and I put out a half pot bet which she raised up. I reraised all in and she called with KK much to her dismay. That put me over the 3000 chip stack for the first time since the game began. I remained card dead and the few times I tried to steal I had to dump to big reraises. Seemed like people were sitting on hands whenever I made a play. Very frustrating.
Later on I'm getting short again and from the button I'm sitting on 45 suited. I figure I'm going to have to push soon. Guy 2 places to my right min raises. I had watched him and figured him for a fairly weak hand. So I push all in for my last 2K. Everyone folds but the raiser calls and turns over the Josie. So I read him right but he read me right too it seemed. Still I had the last laugh as the J10 did not hold up this time. Flop came 552 and I'm still in. I channel that win into a 66 that I raised to 3x UTG. Only the big blind calls and I flop a sweet 6. The big blind bets to 550 and I raise all in for another 2100. He insta calls with KQ suited and sees the bad news get worse when turn quads. By the 2nd break I have about 2/3 of the average stack but I'm still in it at least. I have yet to see a premium hand, nothing better than AK twice and 10-10 once. But I have had some not so good hands turn into something good.
After the break I start to wear out the the fold button. It's just a never ending string of crap. I get AJ in the big blind and end up folding it to an all in reraise from the UTG guy who has been playing pretty tight. Best hand in the last half hour and I have to dump it. We get down to 220 and I have about half the average stack now. I push all in soon after with A7 in mid position. Get called by the big stack with KQ. Flop has an A and the river does too and I get a badly needed double up. We're down to 200 and I'm in 120th with a bit less than 2/3 stack. I get another big double up when we get down to 170. I push all in UTG with AK and get called by a guy with AJ. Neither of us catch and I'm up to 13K and almost an average stack. Why this guy called is beyond me. I've been a fold monkey and now all of a sudden I'm going to push with a less than premium hand? He only had me out chipped by 4K, he is then the shorty and is out before reaching the pay level. The very next hand I call a min raise with 53 suited in the BB. The flop is all low, I catch a 3 and push him out of the pot.
A few hands later I call in late position with KQ off. Flop is KQ5 but all hearts. I call the big blinds half pot bet and get bingo on the turn when another K hits. The big blind puts out a pot sized bet and I'm torn between raising him and smooth calling hoping he'll bet into me again. I just call. Think now I should have reraised. If he has the A of hearts he might call now but won't on the river. Anyway the river is a blank, he finally slows down and I bet 1/3 pot which he folds to. Not a great result but I'm up to 25K and well over the average stack as we hit the next break. Still no AA, KK, QQ, or JJ
Out of the break my streak of crap hands goes on but the bubble soon breaks. I take down one pot with 99 preflop and am getting some respect for my raises but I'm choosing my spots judiciously. People start dropping like flies and within 10 minutes we get from 155 to 135 to 120. I'm sitting 34th when I raise preflop in middle position with 10-9 of diamonds. Not a judicious time to raise as the big stack calls me with A10 off. Flop has a 10 but also an ace and I keep my losses to a minimum. After that its 5-2 for about the 20th time. Every hand seems to be a deuce in the first or second card. Or 10-5 which I got about 10 times. Tried to steal again and got raised and reraised preflop. Tossed that crap away. This was getting ugly but then I could have been like this shortstack who pushed with KK, got called by AQ and saw the A flop.
Getting short again I push with 55 in the small blind. Get called by 7-3 in the big blind and KQ who had called from middle position. Lose to the 7-3 when a 7 flops. I cannot believe he calls that but then watching him play, it wasn't a stretch. Out in 86th place which was disappointing considering all I had been able to do but I was fairly pleased with how I played. When you're not catching any really big hands and not that many decent hands you're eventually gonna lose out. Played for nearly 4 hours, never got a big pocket pair. But losing to 7-3 hurts. Still it was probably for the best as the wife and I were heading out that night to play in a live tourney at Derby Lane. I was hoping the cards would improve there, and guess what - I was not disappointed. But I think I'll post that one separately, this has been long enough don't you think?
A little after the first break I call a min raise in the big blind with 4-7 of spades. Flop gave me an inside straight draw and a back door flush and the beotch errrr fine player who had rivered me earlier made a smallish bet which was called by one player and myself. Turn filled my straight and I put out a half pot bet which she raised up. I reraised all in and she called with KK much to her dismay. That put me over the 3000 chip stack for the first time since the game began. I remained card dead and the few times I tried to steal I had to dump to big reraises. Seemed like people were sitting on hands whenever I made a play. Very frustrating.
Later on I'm getting short again and from the button I'm sitting on 45 suited. I figure I'm going to have to push soon. Guy 2 places to my right min raises. I had watched him and figured him for a fairly weak hand. So I push all in for my last 2K. Everyone folds but the raiser calls and turns over the Josie. So I read him right but he read me right too it seemed. Still I had the last laugh as the J10 did not hold up this time. Flop came 552 and I'm still in. I channel that win into a 66 that I raised to 3x UTG. Only the big blind calls and I flop a sweet 6. The big blind bets to 550 and I raise all in for another 2100. He insta calls with KQ suited and sees the bad news get worse when turn quads. By the 2nd break I have about 2/3 of the average stack but I'm still in it at least. I have yet to see a premium hand, nothing better than AK twice and 10-10 once. But I have had some not so good hands turn into something good.
After the break I start to wear out the the fold button. It's just a never ending string of crap. I get AJ in the big blind and end up folding it to an all in reraise from the UTG guy who has been playing pretty tight. Best hand in the last half hour and I have to dump it. We get down to 220 and I have about half the average stack now. I push all in soon after with A7 in mid position. Get called by the big stack with KQ. Flop has an A and the river does too and I get a badly needed double up. We're down to 200 and I'm in 120th with a bit less than 2/3 stack. I get another big double up when we get down to 170. I push all in UTG with AK and get called by a guy with AJ. Neither of us catch and I'm up to 13K and almost an average stack. Why this guy called is beyond me. I've been a fold monkey and now all of a sudden I'm going to push with a less than premium hand? He only had me out chipped by 4K, he is then the shorty and is out before reaching the pay level. The very next hand I call a min raise with 53 suited in the BB. The flop is all low, I catch a 3 and push him out of the pot.
A few hands later I call in late position with KQ off. Flop is KQ5 but all hearts. I call the big blinds half pot bet and get bingo on the turn when another K hits. The big blind puts out a pot sized bet and I'm torn between raising him and smooth calling hoping he'll bet into me again. I just call. Think now I should have reraised. If he has the A of hearts he might call now but won't on the river. Anyway the river is a blank, he finally slows down and I bet 1/3 pot which he folds to. Not a great result but I'm up to 25K and well over the average stack as we hit the next break. Still no AA, KK, QQ, or JJ
Out of the break my streak of crap hands goes on but the bubble soon breaks. I take down one pot with 99 preflop and am getting some respect for my raises but I'm choosing my spots judiciously. People start dropping like flies and within 10 minutes we get from 155 to 135 to 120. I'm sitting 34th when I raise preflop in middle position with 10-9 of diamonds. Not a judicious time to raise as the big stack calls me with A10 off. Flop has a 10 but also an ace and I keep my losses to a minimum. After that its 5-2 for about the 20th time. Every hand seems to be a deuce in the first or second card. Or 10-5 which I got about 10 times. Tried to steal again and got raised and reraised preflop. Tossed that crap away. This was getting ugly but then I could have been like this shortstack who pushed with KK, got called by AQ and saw the A flop.
Getting short again I push with 55 in the small blind. Get called by 7-3 in the big blind and KQ who had called from middle position. Lose to the 7-3 when a 7 flops. I cannot believe he calls that but then watching him play, it wasn't a stretch. Out in 86th place which was disappointing considering all I had been able to do but I was fairly pleased with how I played. When you're not catching any really big hands and not that many decent hands you're eventually gonna lose out. Played for nearly 4 hours, never got a big pocket pair. But losing to 7-3 hurts. Still it was probably for the best as the wife and I were heading out that night to play in a live tourney at Derby Lane. I was hoping the cards would improve there, and guess what - I was not disappointed. But I think I'll post that one separately, this has been long enough don't you think?
I was hoping the cards would improve there, and guess what - I was not disappointed. But I think I'll post that one separately, this has been long enough don't you think?
That's called a teaser. Ok, we'll wait.
Yeah but hopefully I made it worth your wait.
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