Not Mine.
Has it been that long since I posted on here? Why yes it has. I'd love to say the reason I didn't write was due to the whirlwind surrounding my recent lottery win and all of the travel I've been doing since then. But I'd be lying. Actually it's more due to me working like a dog lately and just not being motivated to write anything. I've started a couple of blog posts and just dropped them as I can't get the words right. Maybe I will this time.
As I said, I have been working a lot lately and it's been very busy. We always get busy after the first of the year up until April 15 as FA's (Financial Advisors) try to get their client's accounts in order to properly report capital gains and losses for the client's tax return. Add that the new laws that went into effect at the first of this year regarding what we now report to the IRS as well as restrictions on some of the things a client used to be able to do at anytime and you can imagine the extra amount of emails and phone calls we have been getting, even before the end of the year.
One of the things I expected to do on this blog is talk about financial matters, what I think is happening in the markets, what I'm doing, etc. Working where I do gives me a pretty good view of what's going on day to day plus there are a few guys I read regularly who seem to have a good idea of what's up in the markets and also what they think will happen and why. I did some market posts a couple of years ago but really haven't talked much about it since then. I will rectify that in the near future.
Now back to our regularly scheduled blog post. I haven't been playing a lot of poker either online or in the local card rooms due to a lack of time, a lack of free cash, and a lack of want to. I know I am not at my best when I'm tired and I've been tired a lot. I also haven't been sleeping particularly well and a couple of times my b**ch has awoken me at some odd hours demanding I take her outside. And no I would never refer to my wife or daughter that way............................ at least not where they might read.
One of the reasons I haven't played online much is because I lost a good amount over the last couple of months of the year. I kept playing while tired and not at my best, made some bad plays, and had a fair amount of bad beats while almost never inflicting any on anyone else. So I basically gave up all poker for a few weeks and all online poker for a month. I just got back into it again this past week but on a very limited fashion as I still am tired much of the time.
I did play twice live in December. And then played last weekend. The wife was taking the daughter back to college and I had all of this free time and nothing really going on so why not play. Besides I have finally gotten a good night's sleep and felt pretty good. So off to Derby Lane I go. I sign up for the Omaha Hi/Lo table, 4th on the list and start playing some 1-1 no limit holdem. I go up and down like a yo yo, making a couple of good hands but also missing a couple of big draws. I also flop top 2 with a 7 5 suited on a 357 flop and of course lose to a guy who called my preflop raise with a 6-4. I got him back a little later when he thought he was Craakker and called my preflop AA raise with K6 suited. He flops two pair and pushes after the flop on my continuation bet. By then I'm short enough stacked that I have to go in but am elated when the A hits the turn and I take a chunk back out of him. We tangle a bit more later on when I flop top pair top kicker with A9 and he pushes all in over my bet. I tank for a while and end up folding. Don't know what he had but figured him for a flopped set or bottom two pair with more shit. Maybe I was wrong but when the called my name for the Omaha table a surprisingly short time later, I am even for my session there.
By the way, if you haven't read Craakker's blog, you need to take a look at. Here is the website: http://craakker.blogspot.com/. While there it would behoove you to read the trip reports of the Ironmen of Poker trips to Vegas. OMG I haven't laughed that hard in a very long time. My wife is watching TV and looking at me like I'm nuts as I read about the insane prop bets, the poker hijinks and some of the greatest comments ever. This one made me laugh so hard I almost cried.
“Sahara, Colt and Fat Jesus are playing together. While in a hand together, Colt needs Fat Jesus to change a $100 bill into chips for him and throws the bill over to him. Less than a minute later, Fat Jesus goes all in and gets called by Colt, who loses to FJ’s trip aces. Sahara immediately pipes up to Colt, “Let me know if you need another loan with the same interest rate and time commitment.”
Seriously I could barely breathe I was laughing so hard and every time I thought of that line I just started cracking up again. If I have just violated anyone's copyrights I will remove that section but it was so funny and I just couldn't paraphrase it and do it justice.
Omaha started great. Made a couple of big hands early and before I knew it I was up $150. From there it just descended into frustration and anarchy. Good high hands would see all low flops. Good low hands would see all high. A great hand like AAK2 double suited in hearts and diamonds sees a flop of 2 7 8 all black cards. I bet anyway get called by 3 people and see a 9 hit the turn. When one of the others bets out I fold knowing I am cooked. 2 people end up going after each other, one with QJ78 and the other with 8765. Never could get anything going and when a couple of luckbox maniacs start pushing hands and hitting shitty draws I end up getting out before I get completely destroyed. I really tightened up after they started pushing knowing if I hit anything I would be well compensated but the few good hands I got received no help from the flops. The one time I did hit flopping top set with KK23 on a K84 rainbow flop, I pushed every street only to see a 9 &10 hit the turn and river and losing to a 67. I lost all my winnings plus part of my starting stack when I packed it up. I decided to play a little more of 1-1 no limit hoping to tally a high hand but the lousy luck traveled with me to Holdem and I ended up getting squashed a bit there too. At least I can't say I had great hands busted. I just got no hands to speak of and the few draws I went after never panned out. Such is life. I got tired and decided to call it a day while I still had cash. Good decision.
On the non poker front I have been doing some cooking lately. My wife turned to my yesterday and said “I really like it that you're cooking all these things on the weekends”. I told her I liked it that the kids aren't here and I'm just cooking for the two of us and we can try a few new things without worrying about everyone liking the dish. Last night I made this dish with bow tie pasta, italian sausage, and broccoli. The weekend before I made this chicken piccata dish my wife and I both love but remembered to add chopped bacon to the sauce when I made it. Yummmm bacon. The sauce on the chicken was great with the bacon added, (it wasn't nearly as noticeable on the pasta) it just brought out so much more flavor. The leftovers the next day tasted even better as the bacon flavor seemed to have permeated throughout the sauce so much more thoroughly. There is even this dish roasted red pepper chicken penne dish I got from one of my daughter's many cookbooks this past summer. It was so good that both my daughter and my niece immediately named it one of their favorite meals and I have made it on average about once every 2 weeks since then. Neither of the girls are known accepting a wide variety of foods so I was very surprised by their reactions.
As I was saying, I have cooked a bit lately. Nothing spectacular. Most of my recipes would fall under the heading of semi homemade. I take some fresh ingredients like onions, mushrooms, garlic, mix in a pasta sauce like Classico Alfredo sauce with some meat and voila, dinner is served. We also have tried a good bit of tasty wines as well. Last night we tried this red wine from the San Antonio winery in California named Cardinale. It's just a red table wine. My wife and I both prefer whites to reds in general as we find most reds much too dry for us. We tend to like fruity and/or sweet whites. I'm sure I mentioned in previous posts how much we both like Gewurztraminer wine. Well this Cardinale is our new favorite red wine and may even give Gewurztraminer a run for it's money for favorite wine. It was fresh and fruity, almost Sangria like. A delicious wine to have with dinner or to drink with cheese and crackers or for just relaxing. I may go pick up some more this afternoon it was so good. After dinner I even cleaned up which made my wife happier still.
Well I guess that's about it for now. A lot of the same old, same old. The most exciting thing this weekend is another trip to Total Wine to get some more Cardinale and if they have it still, this late harvest Gewurztraminer from South Africa we discovered last month that we both enjoyed immensely. I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year. Stay lucky you nuts.
As I said, I have been working a lot lately and it's been very busy. We always get busy after the first of the year up until April 15 as FA's (Financial Advisors) try to get their client's accounts in order to properly report capital gains and losses for the client's tax return. Add that the new laws that went into effect at the first of this year regarding what we now report to the IRS as well as restrictions on some of the things a client used to be able to do at anytime and you can imagine the extra amount of emails and phone calls we have been getting, even before the end of the year.
One of the things I expected to do on this blog is talk about financial matters, what I think is happening in the markets, what I'm doing, etc. Working where I do gives me a pretty good view of what's going on day to day plus there are a few guys I read regularly who seem to have a good idea of what's up in the markets and also what they think will happen and why. I did some market posts a couple of years ago but really haven't talked much about it since then. I will rectify that in the near future.
Now back to our regularly scheduled blog post. I haven't been playing a lot of poker either online or in the local card rooms due to a lack of time, a lack of free cash, and a lack of want to. I know I am not at my best when I'm tired and I've been tired a lot. I also haven't been sleeping particularly well and a couple of times my b**ch has awoken me at some odd hours demanding I take her outside. And no I would never refer to my wife or daughter that way............................ at least not where they might read.
One of the reasons I haven't played online much is because I lost a good amount over the last couple of months of the year. I kept playing while tired and not at my best, made some bad plays, and had a fair amount of bad beats while almost never inflicting any on anyone else. So I basically gave up all poker for a few weeks and all online poker for a month. I just got back into it again this past week but on a very limited fashion as I still am tired much of the time.
I did play twice live in December. And then played last weekend. The wife was taking the daughter back to college and I had all of this free time and nothing really going on so why not play. Besides I have finally gotten a good night's sleep and felt pretty good. So off to Derby Lane I go. I sign up for the Omaha Hi/Lo table, 4th on the list and start playing some 1-1 no limit holdem. I go up and down like a yo yo, making a couple of good hands but also missing a couple of big draws. I also flop top 2 with a 7 5 suited on a 357 flop and of course lose to a guy who called my preflop raise with a 6-4. I got him back a little later when he thought he was Craakker and called my preflop AA raise with K6 suited. He flops two pair and pushes after the flop on my continuation bet. By then I'm short enough stacked that I have to go in but am elated when the A hits the turn and I take a chunk back out of him. We tangle a bit more later on when I flop top pair top kicker with A9 and he pushes all in over my bet. I tank for a while and end up folding. Don't know what he had but figured him for a flopped set or bottom two pair with more shit. Maybe I was wrong but when the called my name for the Omaha table a surprisingly short time later, I am even for my session there.
By the way, if you haven't read Craakker's blog, you need to take a look at. Here is the website: http://craakker.blogspot.com/. While there it would behoove you to read the trip reports of the Ironmen of Poker trips to Vegas. OMG I haven't laughed that hard in a very long time. My wife is watching TV and looking at me like I'm nuts as I read about the insane prop bets, the poker hijinks and some of the greatest comments ever. This one made me laugh so hard I almost cried.
“Sahara, Colt and Fat Jesus are playing together. While in a hand together, Colt needs Fat Jesus to change a $100 bill into chips for him and throws the bill over to him. Less than a minute later, Fat Jesus goes all in and gets called by Colt, who loses to FJ’s trip aces. Sahara immediately pipes up to Colt, “Let me know if you need another loan with the same interest rate and time commitment.”
Seriously I could barely breathe I was laughing so hard and every time I thought of that line I just started cracking up again. If I have just violated anyone's copyrights I will remove that section but it was so funny and I just couldn't paraphrase it and do it justice.
Omaha started great. Made a couple of big hands early and before I knew it I was up $150. From there it just descended into frustration and anarchy. Good high hands would see all low flops. Good low hands would see all high. A great hand like AAK2 double suited in hearts and diamonds sees a flop of 2 7 8 all black cards. I bet anyway get called by 3 people and see a 9 hit the turn. When one of the others bets out I fold knowing I am cooked. 2 people end up going after each other, one with QJ78 and the other with 8765. Never could get anything going and when a couple of luckbox maniacs start pushing hands and hitting shitty draws I end up getting out before I get completely destroyed. I really tightened up after they started pushing knowing if I hit anything I would be well compensated but the few good hands I got received no help from the flops. The one time I did hit flopping top set with KK23 on a K84 rainbow flop, I pushed every street only to see a 9 &10 hit the turn and river and losing to a 67. I lost all my winnings plus part of my starting stack when I packed it up. I decided to play a little more of 1-1 no limit hoping to tally a high hand but the lousy luck traveled with me to Holdem and I ended up getting squashed a bit there too. At least I can't say I had great hands busted. I just got no hands to speak of and the few draws I went after never panned out. Such is life. I got tired and decided to call it a day while I still had cash. Good decision.
On the non poker front I have been doing some cooking lately. My wife turned to my yesterday and said “I really like it that you're cooking all these things on the weekends”. I told her I liked it that the kids aren't here and I'm just cooking for the two of us and we can try a few new things without worrying about everyone liking the dish. Last night I made this dish with bow tie pasta, italian sausage, and broccoli. The weekend before I made this chicken piccata dish my wife and I both love but remembered to add chopped bacon to the sauce when I made it. Yummmm bacon. The sauce on the chicken was great with the bacon added, (it wasn't nearly as noticeable on the pasta) it just brought out so much more flavor. The leftovers the next day tasted even better as the bacon flavor seemed to have permeated throughout the sauce so much more thoroughly. There is even this dish roasted red pepper chicken penne dish I got from one of my daughter's many cookbooks this past summer. It was so good that both my daughter and my niece immediately named it one of their favorite meals and I have made it on average about once every 2 weeks since then. Neither of the girls are known accepting a wide variety of foods so I was very surprised by their reactions.
As I was saying, I have cooked a bit lately. Nothing spectacular. Most of my recipes would fall under the heading of semi homemade. I take some fresh ingredients like onions, mushrooms, garlic, mix in a pasta sauce like Classico Alfredo sauce with some meat and voila, dinner is served. We also have tried a good bit of tasty wines as well. Last night we tried this red wine from the San Antonio winery in California named Cardinale. It's just a red table wine. My wife and I both prefer whites to reds in general as we find most reds much too dry for us. We tend to like fruity and/or sweet whites. I'm sure I mentioned in previous posts how much we both like Gewurztraminer wine. Well this Cardinale is our new favorite red wine and may even give Gewurztraminer a run for it's money for favorite wine. It was fresh and fruity, almost Sangria like. A delicious wine to have with dinner or to drink with cheese and crackers or for just relaxing. I may go pick up some more this afternoon it was so good. After dinner I even cleaned up which made my wife happier still.
Well I guess that's about it for now. A lot of the same old, same old. The most exciting thing this weekend is another trip to Total Wine to get some more Cardinale and if they have it still, this late harvest Gewurztraminer from South Africa we discovered last month that we both enjoyed immensely. I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year. Stay lucky you nuts.
Glad you enjoy the Ironman reports. Just was link-checking, and it looks like some of the links on crAAKKer to the original reports on AVP are no longer working. I will get the reports from Santa Claus and upload them to Google docs, then link them back to the Ironman pages on crAAKKer.
BTW, I *love* me a good Gewurz. Particularly when playing Omaha at home.
The reports are often times hysterical. I loved them. I have never been there in that kind of group so I don't have any great experiences like that. If you guys are gonna be there in early March this year, looks like the wife and I will be as well.
Just back from the wine store, got a late harvest Gewurz along with a Riesling I like and two of those reds I talked about. I'll prolly pop a red shortly.
Heading to the wine store as we speak. 'Tis the season for good deals on the bubbly, and I love me some good bubbly!
IMOP VI is set for March 9-13. If you're in Vegas, track us down via Twitter.
Damn, gonna miss you guys by a few days. Enjoy yourselves
A lottery is a form of gambling which involves the drawing of lots for a prize.Lottery is outlawed by some governments, while others endorse it to the extent of organizing a national or state lottery. It is common to find some degree of regulation of lottery by governments. At the beginning of the 20th century, most forms of gambling, including lotteries and sweepstakes, were illegal in many countries, including the U.S.A. and most of Europe. This remained so until after World War II. In the 1960s casinos and lotteries began to appear throughout the world as a means to raise revenue in addition to taxes.
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