being this prett-ay. But as John Keats said "A thing of beauty is a joy forever"
Today I am a bit on the joyful side. And why shouldn't I be. I got my health (mostly), I got my dog sitting by my side, my wife in the kitchen, and my daughter going back to school. Hopefully my wife doesn't read this line about the kitchen. I even got a little wealth. Yes joyful indeed.
Yesterday was poker day for me. I was up fairly early and had my usual large iced coffee to start my day. It's become a tradition except maybe on the coldest days that we pick up iced coffee and donuts and my wife takes them over to her sister's house for them and the kids. Of course she drops off an iced coffee and a donut or 2 for me first. We used to get our donuts from Dunkin Donuts or Krispy Kreme (before they closed the one close to here) but some years ago, a bakery was built near us named Frida's. OMG the joys of Frida's. They make the best stuff and the donuts are awesome. I grew up on Dunkin Donuts up in RI where they're everywhere and I still like them, but Frida's kicks their ass all to hell. A couple of times I've brought Frida's to work and the people there scarfed them up like they were gold nuggets.
Anyway, yesterday morning and early afternoon I spent getting some stuff done, doing a little blog posting, picking up the dry cleaning, and a little shopping. Because at 3pm was the last WBCOOP qualifying tourney and I really wanted to do well.
The tourney did not start well. In fact it went rather poorly. I was getting good hands but my results were in a word crappy. I avoided getting felted but was quickly down from 3000 chips to less than a 1000 within 20 minutes. I got 10-10 early, raised it up, and then had to fold after the flop when both an A and a J hit the board and my opponent reraised my C bet big. I lost with TPTK on the river to a straight or flush (or both) when my big raises on both the flop and turn could not force this chick out of the pot and she put in the big raise on the river. I lost with AK to a shorty who called all in with AJ and rivered the J. I was just sucking. And like I said, I kept getting good hands. In the first 20 mins I got 10-10, 9-9, 3-3, AK and AQ twice. The hands I won were only preflop except for one but the ones that went any further cost me a chunk more. I thought I made good decisions on raises and especially when to fold but it was frustrating watching my chips going to others.
Late in the first hour I had J10 on a J87 flop. The small blind bet 200, called by the big blind, and I pushed all in for my last 965. Small blind folds but the big blind calls and tables 9-10 for the made straight. DUHHHHH, I felt so stupid. Turn is a queen but the river brings me joy and a split pot with a 9. WHEW I made a bigggg suckout. Wouldn't be my last. I'll continue this later as I have to drive the daughter back to school. I'm going to sign up for the WBCOOP main even but doubt I will be back in time to actually play which sucks. Still there's always next year.
Today I am a bit on the joyful side. And why shouldn't I be. I got my health (mostly), I got my dog sitting by my side, my wife in the kitchen, and my daughter going back to school. Hopefully my wife doesn't read this line about the kitchen. I even got a little wealth. Yes joyful indeed.
Yesterday was poker day for me. I was up fairly early and had my usual large iced coffee to start my day. It's become a tradition except maybe on the coldest days that we pick up iced coffee and donuts and my wife takes them over to her sister's house for them and the kids. Of course she drops off an iced coffee and a donut or 2 for me first. We used to get our donuts from Dunkin Donuts or Krispy Kreme (before they closed the one close to here) but some years ago, a bakery was built near us named Frida's. OMG the joys of Frida's. They make the best stuff and the donuts are awesome. I grew up on Dunkin Donuts up in RI where they're everywhere and I still like them, but Frida's kicks their ass all to hell. A couple of times I've brought Frida's to work and the people there scarfed them up like they were gold nuggets.
Anyway, yesterday morning and early afternoon I spent getting some stuff done, doing a little blog posting, picking up the dry cleaning, and a little shopping. Because at 3pm was the last WBCOOP qualifying tourney and I really wanted to do well.
The tourney did not start well. In fact it went rather poorly. I was getting good hands but my results were in a word crappy. I avoided getting felted but was quickly down from 3000 chips to less than a 1000 within 20 minutes. I got 10-10 early, raised it up, and then had to fold after the flop when both an A and a J hit the board and my opponent reraised my C bet big. I lost with TPTK on the river to a straight or flush (or both) when my big raises on both the flop and turn could not force this chick out of the pot and she put in the big raise on the river. I lost with AK to a shorty who called all in with AJ and rivered the J. I was just sucking. And like I said, I kept getting good hands. In the first 20 mins I got 10-10, 9-9, 3-3, AK and AQ twice. The hands I won were only preflop except for one but the ones that went any further cost me a chunk more. I thought I made good decisions on raises and especially when to fold but it was frustrating watching my chips going to others.
Late in the first hour I had J10 on a J87 flop. The small blind bet 200, called by the big blind, and I pushed all in for my last 965. Small blind folds but the big blind calls and tables 9-10 for the made straight. DUHHHHH, I felt so stupid. Turn is a queen but the river brings me joy and a split pot with a 9. WHEW I made a bigggg suckout. Wouldn't be my last. I'll continue this later as I have to drive the daughter back to school. I'm going to sign up for the WBCOOP main even but doubt I will be back in time to actually play which sucks. Still there's always next year.
The J-10 will never fail you. Waiting for part 2....
What Josie said.
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