Wednesday was my last day for the rental car, it was also Lightning's last day in Vegas. He texted me that he was meeting for a bit of poker with Lucki Duck at the Lightning36 memorial poker room otherwise known as the poker room at Ballys. The PQ and I got back from breakfast and dropping the car off at McCarran about 1pm and while I headed over to the poker room, the PQ decided to take a nap as she didn't sleep too well the night before.
The poker room was jumping for early afternoon. They had four $1-2 no limit tables going with a waiting list along with 1 or 2 limit tables as well. I signed up and then saw Lightning sitting at a table. He introduced me to the lean cardsharp next to him who turned out to be the one and only Lucki Duck. Unfortunately or perhaps fortunately for my wallet I was not able to join their table and was moved to one of the other tables to play for a while. My lack of luck mostly continued there as I lost a big chunk to a flush draw (again) but I did manage to get half of it back when I got all in with KK and it actually held up. Not too much later Lightning came by the table and said he was going to grab some lunch with Lucki Duck and Ms Lucki Duck. Though I was not particularly hungry I pulled myself away from the tables to join them. I was introduced to Ms Lucki Duck and now I know why he is named Lucki Duck. We went to the cafe there at Ballys for lunch and were immediately seated. They asked me where the poker queen was and I gave her a call. Which woke her up. But I told her there were some people who wanted to meet the legendary poker queen so she asked for a few minutes to put herself together and she'd be right down.
We had a nice lunch, the queen and I split a salad which was really good and would have filled the both of us up if we had been starving, and shared some good conversation. We are all about the same ages, all with kids (and their attendant problems) and we all had our share of stories about that. It was nice. If I had to give my impressions of my fellow bloggers I would say Lightning is like your next door neighbor, the guy you have weekend cookouts with while you drink beers and play cards. Or in his case, Jagerbombs. The best words I can put to Lucki Duck and Ms Lucki Duck are down to earth and gracious. I went to college in Texas and lived there for 9 years. I met a lot of truly fine people there. The Ducks are Texans with all of the good connotations that implies and none of the JR Ewing "Dallas" view that many people associate with Texas.
After lunch Lightning was off to sunny and not so warm Chicago while Lucki Duck went in search of a poker tourney to beat up on. The PQ and I went up to the Casino Royale to gamble a bit and see what we had in comps that we could use. We played some Video Poker, not very successfully on my part and while the Poker Queen was ringing up more comps if not more massive victories. I wandered off to play some craps as I do enjoy rolling the dice though I did not enjoy great success with that either. Yes I know you're shocked too. After leaving the dice pit I decided to play a bit of 3 card poker for a while. I was doing well, hitting a flush and a straight pretty early. I was up about 50 bucks when the APQ comes by and decides to sit in. Of course the very first hand she is dealt, which would have been my hand if she hadn't sat down or had sat down on my other side, gave her a straight flush. WTF, I have never gotten anything higher than a straight and her first hand is another straight flush?? That just typified my week, watching everyone else hit their hands while my draws all missed. At least it was my wife and she shared with me. Of course she should have after stealing my hand. After that my hands went into the crapper but she did pretty well and left the table up about $250. Of course she did.
We checked our comps out and decided to hit the Outback upstairs from the Casino Royale for dinner. It was a good dinner, and it only cost us $14 after deducting for PQs comps. After dinner we didn't do much, played a little more and headed back to Ballys as we were both tired. Went to bed relatively early and got a good nights sleep at least. It was a full day.
Lightning as your next door neighbor...now that's a scary thought!
Scary for you, he would probably build a wall and fortified moat between your properties to ensure your good behavior
Additionally, I would hire Wolfshead and Ken P as attack dogs. That just MIGHT keep her in line.
I have been so fatigued. I hope to write my trip report tonight.
Neo, it was great meeting you and your wife and playing with you. We definitely have to meet up in the future.
Dang Neo, I think you married the Golden Goose! The Poker Queen rules.
Enjoyed visiting with you both. Hope we can do it again sometime.
Think I'll call her Goose a few times to see what happens. If you don't hear from me later, it's probably just due to the broken fingers and I'll be typing again in a month or two
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