Looked like my poker downswing had started again. Couldn't catch cards, good cards and bad flops, no one respects raises, it was just all coming at once. Then one hand hits and maybe turns it around for me. Have hardly played a hand and blinds are eating me up. Get JJ in middle position and raise 4x to 1000. Big stack to my left calls, everyone else folds. Flop is JJ6 with 2 clubs. What was that? Flopped Quads?? I check and he bets a small amount which I call. Next card is a 9 of diamonds. I check and so does he. Last card is a 2 of clubs. Hoping he is on a club draw I check again. He pushes all in and I laugh as I call and show quad Jacks. That surprised him a bit.
I get moved to a new table and call preflop with 55. Flop is 664 which I kinda like. Checked to a really big stack who bets 2400 into a 1400 pot. At first I was gonna muck then I thought about it. He didn't raise so I doubt he's sitting on a mid to big pair. He wouldn't raise with a 6, not that much anyway. So I put him either on a 4, a draw, or complete air. I punched all in for 10k. He thought a minute and let it go. Later on I took out a couple of short stacks and was on my way. Made it to the money but unfortunately couldn't finish high enough to make it big. Still it was a nice change. Rest of the night was pretty mundane, didn't play much else, just watched some tube.
Tonight I got home early so I decided to make chicken piccata for dinner. I got home early because I had to go to the doctor this afternoon. I went to see my new doctor last month after not seeing one for a good while because my regular doc moved to Atlanta. She wanted me to see a specialist today and get set up for a colonoscopy. YUCK. Well I see the specialist today. We talk, he checks out a couple of things, doesn't like this, better look at that and next thing I know I'm signed up for an EKG and a CAT scan to boot. So I'm looking at a pretty full month this July. Happy 50th birthday to me lol.
After that it was a bit late to go back to work so I went home. I found a decent recipe for chicken piccata a little while ago. It's not completely homemade as I use bottled alfredo sauce as a base to make the sauce. Kind of semi homemade like that chick on the food network, Sandra Lee maybe? I made it a few weeks ago and it turned out pretty good. Today I think it turned out even better. Kinda like the picture without the yucky olives. And I have leftovers for lunch tomorrow, yes!!
Played some more poker after dinner. Started out badly, could not get a decent hand. Played 2 tourneys at the same time and sucked in both of them, one an Omaha Hi/Lo tourney and the other a No Limit Holdem tourney. Then both tourneys changed at once. I started catching some cards, hitting flops and abusing people. Got all the way to the final table in both tourneys at the same time. Unfortunately I bubbled out of the Omaha tourney when my AAK3 double suited lost all in to KJ34. Amazing what some yahoos call with. But the Holdem tourney went very well and I ended up winning it. Not really big money but it didn't suck.
So thats all the news fit to print on my end. Hope everyone is doing well. I'm going to relax with my full tummy and watch a little TV as my favorite show Burn Notice is on tonight. Stay lucky you nuts.
I get moved to a new table and call preflop with 55. Flop is 664 which I kinda like. Checked to a really big stack who bets 2400 into a 1400 pot. At first I was gonna muck then I thought about it. He didn't raise so I doubt he's sitting on a mid to big pair. He wouldn't raise with a 6, not that much anyway. So I put him either on a 4, a draw, or complete air. I punched all in for 10k. He thought a minute and let it go. Later on I took out a couple of short stacks and was on my way. Made it to the money but unfortunately couldn't finish high enough to make it big. Still it was a nice change. Rest of the night was pretty mundane, didn't play much else, just watched some tube.
Tonight I got home early so I decided to make chicken piccata for dinner. I got home early because I had to go to the doctor this afternoon. I went to see my new doctor last month after not seeing one for a good while because my regular doc moved to Atlanta. She wanted me to see a specialist today and get set up for a colonoscopy. YUCK. Well I see the specialist today. We talk, he checks out a couple of things, doesn't like this, better look at that and next thing I know I'm signed up for an EKG and a CAT scan to boot. So I'm looking at a pretty full month this July. Happy 50th birthday to me lol.
After that it was a bit late to go back to work so I went home. I found a decent recipe for chicken piccata a little while ago. It's not completely homemade as I use bottled alfredo sauce as a base to make the sauce. Kind of semi homemade like that chick on the food network, Sandra Lee maybe? I made it a few weeks ago and it turned out pretty good. Today I think it turned out even better. Kinda like the picture without the yucky olives. And I have leftovers for lunch tomorrow, yes!!
Played some more poker after dinner. Started out badly, could not get a decent hand. Played 2 tourneys at the same time and sucked in both of them, one an Omaha Hi/Lo tourney and the other a No Limit Holdem tourney. Then both tourneys changed at once. I started catching some cards, hitting flops and abusing people. Got all the way to the final table in both tourneys at the same time. Unfortunately I bubbled out of the Omaha tourney when my AAK3 double suited lost all in to KJ34. Amazing what some yahoos call with. But the Holdem tourney went very well and I ended up winning it. Not really big money but it didn't suck.
So thats all the news fit to print on my end. Hope everyone is doing well. I'm going to relax with my full tummy and watch a little TV as my favorite show Burn Notice is on tonight. Stay lucky you nuts.
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